CSP7 Informal consultations: 28 - 30 June 2021

As part of the remote consultations being held intersessionally to finalise documentation arising out of the April meetings that will be submitted to CSP7 for consideration and possible adoption or endorsement, informal consultations will be held virtually on 28-30 June 2021 by the CSP7 President and the WGTR Co-chairs as follows:


  1.       Monday, 28 June 2021: 13:30-15:00 (CEST) - Informal meeting/ consultations on the CSP7 President’s revised Working Paper
    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82074760111?pwd=OFBQcnN2R2xqMWJyM3VmOWNlem5Ddz09 );  
  2.       Tuesday, 29 June 2021:
    11:00-12:00 (CEST) - Informal consultations on Argentina's revised Working Paper
    12:00-14:00 (CEST) - WGTR Co-chairs’ consultations on the draft proposed amendments to the Initial Reporting template and the Annual Reporting template
    (link:        https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81936256943?pwd=ME5DQTN1dHMrVWJzU1JEcjJxRHFsdz09); and
  3.        Wednesday, 30 June 2021: 12:00-14:00 (CEST) - WGTR Co-chairs’ consultations on the draft proposed amendments to the Initial Reporting template and the Annual Reporting template (continued)
    (link:        https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86326458034?pwd=cTMrbktPdDhwalJvcnVFNDlPWXdvdz09).


These informal consultations are open to all stakeholders.


Registration: Persons wishing to participate in the meetings are kindly requested to email the ATT Secretariat at registration@thearmstradetreaty.org indicating their full name (Name and Surname) and the State or organisation they represent. Persons who do not register for the meetings may face delays in being admitted to the meetings.


Speakers’ List (WGTR consultations only): Persons wishing to make a comment or intervention during the WGTR Co-chairs’ consultations on the draft proposed amendments to the Reporting templates, are requested to submit a request to the ATT Secretariat when they register for the meeting, including the following information:


  • ·       The Section(s) of the document the State or organization wishes to speak under (e.g., Initial Report cover page, or Initial Report section 6. Brokering)

Participants who have not requested to be included in the list of speakers will still be able to request to take the floor during the WGTR informal consultations by sending a message through the chat function requesting to take the floor and indicating the name of the State or organization that wishes to speak. However, the Co-chairs will call on persons on the list of speakers to speak first. When the list of speakers is exhausted, participants who have expressed a desire to speak (via the chat function) will be given the floor, if there is time available.


Documentation: The following documents that will be the subject of the informal consultations:

1.            Draft Working Paper presented by the CSP7 President: Strengthening efforts to eradicate the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons and ensure efficient stockpile management;

2.          : Working Paper presented by Argentina: Transparency and Exchange of Information: Its Roles in the Prevention of Diversion

3.     The        current version of the Initial and Annual Reporting templates (Annexes A and B to the WGTR Co-chairs Summary Report of the WGTR meeting on 28 – 29 April 2021 (ATT/CSP7.WGTR/2021/CHAIR/711/M.Rep)); and

4.    The        explanations for the proposed adjustments to the Initial and reporting templates (Annexes A and B to the WGTR Co-chairs Draft Introductory Paper for 28 – 29 April 2021 (ATT/CSP7.WGTR/2021/CHAIR/657/M.IntroPaper))


Interpretation: Interpretation into Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish will be provided during the informal consultations.


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