CSP6 side events

As there will not be an in-person meeting in Geneva for CSP6, it will not be possible to hold in-person side events in Geneva.

However, any State or organization that wishes/plans to hold a virtual side event or webinar during the week of 17-21 August is welcome to inform the ATT Secretariat of the event by sending an email to: info@thearmstradetreaty.org , and we will post the information on the CSP6 webpage for all stakeholders to consult.

Please include the following information in your notification:

  1. Title of the event,
  2. Date of the event,
  3. Time (including time zone), and
  4. Access link (including a password, if required to access the event).

Please be advised that side event organisers will be responsible for hosting and facilitating such virtual events.

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